Geneve – International Anti-Authoritarian Meeting : No Border and places of passage

Geneve – International Anti-Authoritarian Meeting : No Border and places of passage

7 March 2022 Off By passamontagna

By – Renversé -Informations et luttes – Suisse Romande

The next Silurian stopovers will be held as planned at the Silure (Geneve, Switzerland) on Thursday 10 March from 6.30pm. The theme of borders from an anarchist perspective will be discussed with the intervention of no border activists from Italy and Switzerland.

The political theories behind the militant actions will be discussed.

The Geneva collective in support of the anti-authoritarian meetings to be held in St-Imier in July 2023 is organising a talk on the No borders movement and places of passage. Anarchist comrades active on the Italian border near Briançon will present their vision of the world and a comrade familiar with the situation in our region will also be present. While waiting for the decentralised meetings in July 2022, this evening is an opportunity to meet and exchange on this very topical theme.

What is the no-border struggle? Why call for a world without borders? Are the deaths in the Mediterranean and in Europe collateral damage to the proper functioning of our society? Or is the border principle directly responsible for the deaths of these people in exile?

How is it legitimate to criminalise and invisibilise a person because of their place of origin or their legal status? Goods and raw materials pass through borders on a daily basis, so why not these people who are subject to a real hunt at Europe’s borders?

This will be an opportunity to bring a theoretical point of view to complement the practice of our comrades on the ground. The evening promises to be rich in testimonies and debates; come and participate in the discussion for a world without borders.

See you on Thursday 10 March at 3 sentier des Saules at 6.30pm.

No Border, No Nations.

See you on Thursday


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