Welcome !

The passamontagna - is a sort of hat used to protect oneself from the cold

and is also used by those who wish to protect their identity

This website is meant to share

reflections, practices and experiences about the struggle

against the borders and the states that need them

If you wish to share a contribution, write to info@passamontagna.info

If you are willing and have time to translate the articles that are left for translation, in french and/ or english, please do, and write to the same e-mail !

Demonstration 8th February in Grenoble against borders, imperialist states and their racist policies

Demonstration 8th February in Grenoble against borders, imperialist states and their racist policies

A demonstration will take place in Grenoble on 8 February 2020, Place de la gare, against borders, imperialist states and their racist policies. This demonstration is part of the Day of Remembrance of the Dead at the Borders (6 February) which follows an event described below in 2014. WHY THIS DAY? On February 6, 2014,…

By passamontagna 29 January 2020 Off

22th – 24th of November : Party&Discussion

22th – 24th of November : Party&Discussion

Week end to support border struggles. From the 22th to the 24th of November.. ..concerts, workshops Rap and graffiti, projection and discussion, tatoo … A BUNCH OF COOL STUFF It’s possible to sleep at the place If you have any doubt, you can express them (and also ask for some information) at : wealacasa@riseup.net If…

By passamontagna 7 November 2019 Off